Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Feelings of wasting time.



Currently up feeling that I have been wasting time.

Can't sleep during the night, too much on my mind.

It would help if there was some support of any kind.

Feeling like I'm drowning, I could really use a rewind.

Rewinding my mind back to a good place.

When it's sunny outside there's a smile on my face.

Keeping hope alive even though I made mistakes.

Thanking God cause I am grateful every time that I wake.

Just need y'all to understand.

I am a simple man.

Everyday I do what I can.

Even though for me it is hard to stand.

Standing is hard especially when I keep falling in holes.

Each one is sad, lonely and cold.

I look for the way out and say I won't fold. 

Hard times requires faith the most.

For all that I have said tonight.

I can only hope that I make it right.

Won't give up on myself, I'll continue the fight.

Remember , even in darkness there is always some light.




Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Poem at 5 in Da morning.

When I am on Social media scrolling, I ask myself why?

Why do I bother scrolling down looking at other people's lives?

I need to focus on my own.

I need to put down my phone.

It is at times a necessary distraction.

However it is now time for action.

Prep and Plan for today.

Letting my thoughts flow, I'm writing down what to say.

Learning to become an optimistic individual

I'm trying not to be pessimistic as usual.

It is these little sparks of hope that tell me that it will be alright.

There is already enough conflict within me, let go of the that internal fight.

That is what I choose to tell myself as I approach something new.

A do it yourself project that gives me purpose in what I can do.

I have to do what is necessary.

Like learning to drive, the road makes itself known to me.

Familiar in its' design calling me to my destiny.

Taking care of myself physically and mentally.

 Respecting God, friends and my family.

The sand flows and at the bottom is the full amount.

There is still time and every second counts. 

Ain't no time to grumble about this or that.


Its 5 in the morning, I should just go to sleep.

Well at least I wrote this, so that is pretty neat.

Thank you for allowing me to Share.

Good morning and Take care.



Thursday, February 17, 2022

For those who just up and leave.

As time goes by, I think of those who I no longer talk to.

Losing friends, to me that's anything but cool.

 The thought of me doing something bad to my friends purposely.

I am against that with every fiber of my being.

That being said, there are those who left without saying anything.

I don't know whether they are alive or dead, not knowing hurts me.

Why did we fall off? Was it something that I did?

I rack my brain trying to comprehend this.

Someone could say maybe it was them who wanted to go.

Understanding that we can be busy at times, but still overall that blows.

Whether the friend be male or female, still miss talking to them regardless.

The world keeps on spinning despite their absence.

However, I must understand despite it being very hard.

That through all the struggle, I have come very far.

There are times when I am doing something, and I think of them.

I quietly say, I wish you and I didn't have a problem.

I wish y'all could be here with me having a blast.

All I have left of those people are good memories from the past.

Yeah, I know, good things don't always last.

So, for those who are still here, just know that I am glad.

Glad that you are still here.

Glad that you haven't left even in the worst of times.

Not saying those who did leave didn't have their reasons.

I just wish I knew, so I could have closure for the seasons.

Respecting their choice as I know I will no longer hear their voice.

Wish I could talk to them but only time will tell.

I just pray and hope for you to be well.

Grateful for the moments we shared

Even though you are no longer here, just know that I actually cared.

Thank You
