Saturday, January 22, 2022

It's A Poem .

 Don't you just wonder, where do you go from here?

Well there is still time, its only the beginning of the year.

Circumstances are difficult and at times it just feels the worse.

The bible is calling , time to pick a verse.

Phillipians 4:13

I can do all things through christ which strengthen me.

 take that verse to heart.

The enemy is working on trying to make  you fall apart.

Telling you  that you aren't good enough.

That  you'll never make it  and you'll always be stuck.

Not me , not this guy.

Positive vibes.

Energy is way too high.  

In the end , we do what we can.

Not everyone will come to understand.

You are unique.

You are meant to be somebody.

Granted, it won't come right away.

There's bound to be good and bad days.

Just keep your faith strong.

Remember if something is said about you, it can be wrong.

It only has power if you let it.

Its not worth getting into a fit.

People just stew around in their own BullS**t.

Take heart of any small victories that may come.

Time is finite, it is one and done.

Mistakes can be made and learning from them is good.

Knowing at least that you did the best you could.

So each day is a chance to be better.

Even if the day comes with some ridiculous weather.

The storm is random but it never stays for long.

Predictions are something else at even at times, they can be wrong.

So go with the flow, let things happen naturally.

Clear your mind of doubt, for you have not seen true beauty.

This world we live in is the only one have.

it's really is bad to spend your time just being mad.

Being alive today is a reason to be glad.

Self care is life, Self care is important.

The ability to do great thing lies inside dormant.

How to start this great process, start with one brave step.

Out of the comfort zone, and eager to do your best.

Your dreams and passions are for you, they matter.

Pessimistic thoughts can cause dreams to shatter.

It's an uphill battle , just to say strong.

Used to listen to the people, found out they were wrong.

People can talk about things they know nothing about.

Make you feel like you're nuts every time you decide to shout.

You're not doing it on purpose, that what people don't see.

It's okay at times to feel angry.

Just don't let it cloud your judgment.

Attain that level of fulfillment.

At the end of the day, you're trying to do better.

Making that effort to get yourself together.

I am only here to tell you that you can do this.


Don't Quit.

Enjoy yourself and Scooby Doo this S**t

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