Saturday, February 10, 2024

Figure I write this now than later.

Here’s a poem I decided to share.

It may sound like I’m saying that friends don’t care .

That’s not what I am saying at all.

I’m just trying speak to you my friends when I call.

Sometimes it’s not call, it’s a text.

 I wish it was reciprocated Instead of being left on read.

You just can never know what can happen next.

That to me can put a smile on my face .

I’m not trying to tell you what to do or to put you in your place .

I’m standing my ground, with my head help high.

Seeing people have fun on Friday while on the inside, I cry .

I cry now because later it will all make sense to me.

I go through the struggle because overcoming that is my destiny .

Even though you won’t ever know what it is that I feel in my heart.

Well what do expect when you leave someone in the dark.

Left in the dark,to simply fall apart.

Maybe I was meant to break down but not in the way you think .

In a moment when you do blink.

Those broken pieces come together back from the brink .

A new man .

Stronger now than he was then .

Doing what can , to understand what life is .

Being selfless is better than being completely selfish . 

I refuse to be that narcissistic.

I’m straight up optimistic.

Going forward to the future is scary yes.

Isn’t that case though with anything that comes next 

Despite that , this is me your talking to. I am Jynex.

I won’t give up on my dream.

Whether it’s a game store or to simply stream.

At least I know where it all came from.


Even if people can’t get behind that , it’s okay 

I don’t hate them no, but I’m done listening to what they say .

Let them talk, They don’t know the story of what defines you.

That’s actually up to you.

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