Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Living on Edge , Going Ghost for Real.



All this pain and at the end of the year too.

Yeah whats next to look forward to.

The way I am speaking right now is bad.

Yes Once again for those assholes in the back I am sad.

What I do is that I give too much of myself to others.

I do all of that and I cannot even see my brothers.

Girls feels all types of ways of about me.

Some of them are OK and others are just plain mean.

People who claim the truth and they speak it so freely.

Do you have any idea how much that means to me.

You can tell me about myself and what I don't do.

Now it doesn't matter anymore, Not them or to you.

I am making a choice on what to do next whether someone cares or not.

Taking all this unnecessary weight to the nearest drop.

This shit is killing my back.

Words chopping me down with an Axe.

Very selective and choosy, yeah those are the facts

Then you feel as if I am exactly where I need to be .

Alone with nobody,.

Then wonder why I can't enjoy the holidays.

Why I hate my birthday?

Why I can't go to anyone because of gaslighting or just being toxic?

 Pain in my heart like lighting just struck.

If you think  this just for attention then wake the fuck up.

I am no attention seeker trying to glorify the pain I didn't ask to go through.

Why would I think that is cool?

Before you think suicide. No I am not brave enough to end things.

So here is to Isolation, the next best thing.

Going Ghost is real concept and yeah I am writing it on here.

God give me the strength to be strong enough to handle my fear.

 It's not like how I go to them.

 To be honest I hate hearing this Cause it ain't no one else problem .



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