Sunday, February 19, 2023

It used to bother me when people leave.

You know what’s funny about me .

How much I cared before about people leaving .

Leaving me behind or leaving me out .

Didn’t matter which, it always gave me uncertainty and doubt.

Now don’t get me wrong about this .

Back then I would get mad at this shit 

Being left out of this or that .

Staying at home getting an anxiety attack.

Feeling as if nobody wants me around .

No one to go to made me feel down.

Now it’s like, for what reason do I need to care?

I should be okay whether you here or there.

I’m not saying I don’t care about you .

You’re just doing your thing and that’s cool.

I gotta do me too.

Cause at the end of the day, I matter just much as the next person .

I can’t take it personally.

You allow what you bring in and I say stay the fuck away negativity.

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