Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Supposed to be sleep but yet I write.


I like to write and I like to think.

I like to remember good times every time I blink.

Time is constant, it flows as it should .

Be thankful for all things, whether it be bad or good.

Not always is that case and I end losing myself.

Overthinking and stressing out putting my own self through hell.

Yeah no thanks, cause I know I won’t reach out to anyone.

Been on the receiving end of forgotten messages and being shunned.

Yeah I don’t need that anymore.

My ideas are my own , who else knows what’s in store.

I’m not like everyone else and I’m not trying to copy .

Just trying to be me and not end up a nobody.

I’ve been treated like such most of my life .

By family, friends and even girls who I wanted to wife.

Even growing to 6 foot 2 and people still can’t see me .

That’s crazy…..

I’m not I just recognize the reality that people have around them.

Sometimes people do need a friend.

I do the best I can to those who consider as such .

Others will see me as weak and needy, and frankly I don’t give a fuck.

Just writing my piece that’s all…

Take care y’all.

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