Tuesday, May 9, 2023



 Maybe I was not meant to understand why people leave me alone.

Maybe I am so suppose to figure out all this shit on my own.

Maybe I am bad , like could  people say.

Maybe I just want to wake up to be grateful to see a new day.

Maybe I do complain about nothing ever changing.

Maybe it me who taking the majority of the hurt, no point of complaining.

Maybe I see patterns of shit I don't like

Maybe if i were understandable I wouldn't need a damn mic

Maybe i blind to the solution i am suppose to see.

Maybe i need to open myself to possibility of a destiny.

Maybe I am just writing all this cause no one is talking to me.

Maybe i am writing all of this so i don't end up crying.

Maybe i spent too much time trying to express how i feel.

Maybe i need to find a new way to deal.

Maybe I could take one day at a time and see where that goes.

Maybe I can make more friends and less foes.

Maybe I see myself as a good person and others see me as bad.

Maybe I just fake a smile so i don't seem so sad.

Out of all the slumps, this is the worst one Ive had.

At least I am alive to write this ,I am glad.

So there is at least a glimmer of hope.

I don't mean to be so down but I am really trying not to mope.

You know?


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