Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Last one of the year👌🏾


Today is a new day

I’m going to enjoy it no matter what anyone says.

I am reminding myself that I am in control.

Reminding myself to be wary of the deep hole.

I’ve been Sparta kicked down so many times .

I fell off writing these lines,  back here again with the rhymes.

I rhyme because times are hard.

I rhyme because it beats drinking the whole bar.

Whether some reads it or not is what matters.

It’s my will and mental state I refuse to let shatter.

I only have one life.

When times get hard I don’t need the knife.

I just need a day with the sun.

To clear my mind and to have some fun.

Whether that be dueling or playing RE.

Reguardless of what people may think of me.

I’m still here despite everything.

I’m grateful for that .

Listening to those encouraging facts.

Grabbing my bag full of snacks.

Laughing instead of having anxiety attacks.

So here it the last poem of the year.

So long 2020 , to this year of fears.

They have come and now they are gone .

I have no desire to repeat the same song .

My only desire is not make myself open when I’m sad.

 Not Going back and asking  for what I used to have.

No need to now.

No reason to ask me how.

Just know I am focused.

Like Smokey says and you know this....


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