Saturday, March 19, 2022

Finding hope while being a Ghost


Sometimes I can be a ghost.

Sometimes I try to have hope.

Don’t really want to be down and mope.

That’s mindset is not for me . Sorry nope.

I’ve been keeping to myself for a good reason .

Starting this way with the spring season.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking of where to go from here.

Had a bit of a rough start this year.

Yet somehow,

I know I can figure this out .

Swarming through my head is opinions of doubt.

Seeing life in black and white.

I am doing what I think is right.

Even if people don’t agree.

That’s why speech is free.

I can say it and then move on.

Life can be trying.

That’s why I do my best to keep smiling.

Regardless of being left alone or behind.

I’m not like that at all, I rather be kind.

Kill it with kindness as they like to say .

Forgive those are wrong, taking the time out to pray .

The sun shines brightly so why shouldn’t I enjoy the day .

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