Saturday, March 26, 2022

To those I wish it were but never had the opportunity.

To the people I wish I could I talk to.  

It would been nice if I had a chance.

Then again you did and try your best to understand.

I am not like the usual people you meet.

Saying how are you to me is a simple greeting.

Granted a lot of us are thirsty but that's not me.

I just wanted to see where things could be.

Alas, life moves on.

I have too as well and be just as strong.

I will remember you all.

When I heard the word no, I stumbled but didn't fall.

Can't fall down every time I hear the word no.

Unlike asking, writing for me is the way to go.

We live our lives as best we can.

Surely as I am writing and you're reading this that you understand.

I am a man.

A man who writes.

A man who types in rhyme not to get your affections but to let some things off my chest.

I strive to do my best.

There are times, I wish I could rest.

I wish I could dream. 

I wish I could pass through the dimension of the in the between.

A Multi-verse.

A version of me who didn't suffer through all of the hurt.

Confident in ability and that had a family

Yes, that sounds lovely.

Don't you think?

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