Friday, October 30, 2020

wanting to go ghost 4 real.


I am Ghost.

Going Ghost more than most.

Feeling like I've lost all hope. 

I don't see anyway to really cope.

I don't know  who I can talk to.

Maybe what they say about me is true.

I bring everything down.

So much feeling and I don't even make a  sound.

What can I do to not be  the same?

Is there a way to overcome this pain?

My support isn't even there.

Life is just unfair.

Im just saying, these days are the worst.

Hanging my head low dragging my feet through  the dirt.

How am I suppose to feel great?

People falling off, tired of these people who are fake.

Everyone  can vent but  me.

Im not asking  for your  pity.

Im not asking  much of anything.

Just be there for me in my corner please.

I know i would do that for you in a heartbeat.

Is that so much to ask for?

I really dont know anything anymore.

I just sit in my room alone.

It Feels more like a hole than home.

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