Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Poet’s Reflection

Has something ever made you mad?
Did someone say or do anything that made you sad?
Would you like to turn it around and then brag?
At least take this time to reflect and be glad.

I’m looking at myself and myself looks back.
It smiles at  me while Im the one who has the anxiety attack.
How could I be more like that?
Confident in my ability to know facts.

At least the facts that I know.
The poems can clearly show.
People think I’m a rapper on the low.
Haha... if you say so.

If I could spit bars.
Would it really be  that hard?
Could I even go the far?
Spitting fire so hot it’s illuminates the dark.

Rapping to a beat.
Lines that make you feel the heat
Overcoming my limits is no easy feat.
Taking my time with this, making sure it’s neat.

It’s best to be cautious when you don’t know what to do next.
Clear you mind and focus on what’s left.
Bad things gone Check.
Good vibes are the only forms of payment I can accept.
Accept what is and leave behind all the rest.

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