Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Validation, why do I go to people for it?
I guess I would like to feel important.
Lately though, I don’t feel that way at all.
Feeling the shame as I begin to fall.
Oww, I say as I hit the wall.

Validation should come from within.
Where should I begin?
What are some things about me?
That at times I can be funny.
Another thing would be that I enjoy writing.

I do care what people say.
I shouldn’t internalize it so much it ruins the day.
It is their opinion and they can say what they want to.
Well I know what I write isn’t always going to click with you.

Maybe you’ll get it or maybe it will go over your head.
Maybe I shouldn’t seek your validation instead.
There is plenty of things that a person can like about me.
There is a line between accepting and being picky.

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