Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Change of thought

Ever wake up and wanted to see someone you wanted to see?
I think everyone would like that, including me.
These days of covid, there is a lot of negativity.
Here I am writing down ,my tidbits of destiny.

longing to see a smile when the sun comes up.
Cooking breakfast and drinking tea in a cup.
If I cook without burning anything, that would be some luck.
Always better to be calmer than to just erupt.

For something doesn’t just come to you because you wish it.
Just like food in the kitchen.
You have to prepare and eat it when it is finished.
When you accomplish anything in this life, know where to give credit.

We are not meant to do this all alone.
Having someone there, my caring nature is shown.
For those who hear my name, I am somewhat known .
A kind hearted person who wishes to have good times until it’s gone.

Nevertheless, it does pain me to know loneliness.
I also know fear, doubt, and sadness.
I really should change that to happiness.
I’m learning joy, understanding and patience.

With patience though ,will someone come my way?
If so , I shall wait patiently till that day.
When it happens, I don’t know what I’ll say .
Until then This man with a big grin will enjoy Today.

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