Thursday, June 4, 2020

Why do you (I)drink?

Hey man, why do you drink?
When I pick up that can, boy do I sink.
Sink real low under the pillows and the cover.
Sometime I drink to forget the others.

The others that came before.
Sometimes it requires a can or more.
I don’t like thinking about how they left.
The loss to me felt like death.

Yet death is inevitable and here I am alive.
Let not me not drink so much that I die.
Two months ago, it was not easy.
Yet I thought if I drank, i would be free.
All it did come with a bad headache.
I would brush it off and welcome the next ache.

I really didn’t care about much at that time.
No one called or talked to me enough, so I said fine.
I’m going drink because I’m pirate like Mr. Sparrow.
Why is the rum gone? Now I have to deal with the sorrows.

I tell myself it’s okay.
It will get better one day.
Listening to what the positive words say.

I get so impatient with life.
Hence all of the strife
Feening for a wife.
Cutting out the pain with the sharp knife.

Your head is your safe space.
Don’t take it to a dangerous place.
Believe in God if I lose faith.
Let a smile appear on my face.

For the next I drink, it should be with friends.
Celebrating new beginnings and not the end.

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