Friday, June 5, 2020

Fri Poem.

It’s a Friday night and not much is happening in my mind.
Maybe that’s good thing this time.
I’m not really use to it being like this.
What to do now? I don’t know to be honest.
Not much is there for me to say.
To the folks out there, take care and enjoy the day.

As for me right now, I’m just staying in bed.
Typing out this nice poem of the top of my head.

As for everyone else, I wonder how they are doing?
Hopefully something exciting.
I would love to do something actually.
Better safe than sorry.
I guess it’s better to be home.
Not really. I don’t want to be home alone.

In my room and the emotional output I put out.
It’s overloading from my anxiety and my doubts.
Here’s to me being optimistic.
It is a lot better than being distant.
Alas, my depression is persistent.
It’s trying to ruin my moment.

Let me just have this moment to be calm and to be at peace.
I can say nothing really bad happened this week.
Isn’t that neat?
Boy, I am beat.
Drifting off to dreamland as I sleep.

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