Thursday, June 4, 2020

At night....

There are some nights and then there are lonely nights.
Don’t want to go to sleep  and then wake up with a fright.
Nighttime is not very a good time for me.
At these late times, I wish there were somebody.
Somebody. Anybody.
Sometimes I wish I could reach  to my uncle sonny.
Pretend I’m in the van ready to set out on a great journey.
I miss him and our road trips.
Thinking about who else I miss.
Miss hanging out with the homies.
Playing cards games in Burger King.
Good times.
Right now though I wish it were fine.
The thing I miss the most is not being a ghost.
 It is that person who inspires me to have hope.
I do try but at night it’s so hard.
Especially when everyone is so far.
listening to that the underwater theme.
Praying to God and ask to keep me safe while I sleep.
Let me have a nice dream...

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