Sunday, July 26, 2020

A case of writers block....Sike

Writers block
Let me not.
Write something from the school hard knocks
Ain’t It all a shock.
Here I am again just writing
How exciting.
I think I’m becoming numb.
Feeling so dumb.
Thinking that it is my fault.
Now I hide away my feelings In a vault.
Due to me making a mistake.
When don’t I take the cake?
Going in circles round and round.
Got that look on my face that says always down.
Not down for whatever, that be too good for me.
If I were considered , maybe.
For now though I’m dangling through these ropes.
Entangled between sorrow and hope.
I try to see the light but darkness is like nope.
Eh can’t just sit around a mope.
I have a job to do.
I may not see anyone for days months or even years.
that’s one of my biggest fears.
Grandma praying for someone to love me.
I hope so grandma, out here it’s pretty lonely.
I see that.
That’s a fact.
Wonder if anyone else does too?
What did I mean to you?

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