Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy Birthday Uncle Sonny

Remembering back to year 2005.
I was this awkward 11th grade guy.
During the summer, I would visit my grandmother.
Boy, Alabama was so much hotter.
It was always an adventure to me.
Always being close to my family.
Especially to my uncle Sonny.
Uncle Sonny to me was inspiring.
He would always be out there across states driving.
He’d have a cap that you would find in a gas station
He would always get you to your destination.
He would approach you as if he knew you for a long time.
I take this time to honor his memory with my rhymes.
He was more than uncle , he was like a grandfather to me.
He would say  me , boy appreciate the small things
Forgive those people who wrong you.
 those words stay with me when I don’t know what to do.

For man like this to be apart of my life is a blessing.
I will remember you for as long as I live .
I will remember you showing how maps work. How to get to one place to another.
I know you are watching over me even now. I know that one day I will see you again..😭

Happy birthday Uncle Sonny.

Love your nephew Stevie.

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