Saturday, July 11, 2020

Being Grateful for Today.

I woke up this morning from my bed thanking God.
I know it’s sounds familiar, ain’t it odd?
Looking out my window seeing the clear sky.
Just grateful to be breathing and not asking why.
As it stands today is a new day.
Lord , let me take this time to say....
thank you for the roof over my head.
Making sure I get home safe and not end up dead.
Thank you for the food that you provide.
Allowing me to still be alive.
Even though at times, I can be handful.
Anxiety in society. Overall it’s harmful.
Even when it’s too much there you are showing me I can get through it.
I’m not complete clueless.
I have my moments and you bring me back from the brink.
Like being stuck in the desert, you bring me water to drink.
It’s important to remember that even though I am grown.
I am not alone .

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