Sunday, July 19, 2020

Going Ghost is not On Purpose...

You know what really sucks the most?
Whenever I feel like I need to go ghost.
Ghosting is apart of my personality.
Not really done intentionally.
I feel as if I did something wrong.
That's why go ghost just so I can stay gone.
You may not agree.
You can even think its petty.
Nothing is petty about what I say or do.
Judging me huh? How about I judge you.
Tell you what you can go through.
Saying what you post is for attention.
Not to mention.....
Giving you absolutely no choice.
Hell you cannot even use your voice.
That's how it feels to judge anyone.
Like telling a person to dance as you shoot off a gun.
I don't have to take this at all.
For now I may take the fall.
I won't stay down there.
I need to go up and breathe the air.
Going through life, even though is hard.
Ghosting wont take me very far.
Standing invisibly as people accomplish their goals.
Let me learn this lesson for I am Jynex Sol.
Let me stroll into that good life.
Everything will be alright.
After all I am this Guy writing this poem here.
Just making sure my message is clear.

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