Sunday, July 12, 2020

I kinda wish......

Looking back on the memories.
All of them , good or bad mean a lot to me.
Every now and again I see something I regret the most.
Regretting so much I end up becoming a ghost.
So for now
Let me write down.
These expressional sounds.
I kinda wish I knew what I wanted to do.
I kinda wish I had a clue.
I kinda wish I knew which direction.
i kinda wish I knew that guy In my reflection.
I kinda wish I could not lose anyone.
I kinda wish I was Luffy with the powers of Gum-Gum.
I kinda wish I could talk and make sense.
I kinda I wish I knew of my importance.
I kinda wish people didn’t think I’m always depressing.
I kinda wish that people didn’t  have to hear me complaining.
I kinda wish that I didn’t have to say I kinda wish.
I kinda wish I didn’t have to flip.
I kinda wish I wasn’t thinking like this. 
I kinda wish I can enjoy my birthday.
I kinda wish it will be a good day.

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