Saturday, July 18, 2020

Adventurer’s Spark

Laying up in my bed.
All these thoughts in my head.
Wish I could rest instead.
A lot on my mind that I wish I had said.
Everyday I would like to feel confident.
Everyday I would like to live in the moment.
I know that I am trying to see the good in me.
Exploring my destiny.
To see where the wind does take me.
I really like adventuring.
I like to share that experience with someone.
Wouldn’t that be fun?
To take the time out to explore.
Pack up a few things and walk out the door.
Escaping from technology and social media.
No Wikipedia.
Just plain open air.
Without any kind of care.
That’s one thing I would like to be there.
Also someone special would be fair.
I don’t want go adventuring alone ,
I don’t want my faith to be gone.
let me finish this poem.
So that In the end I can return home.

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