Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Something I felt like writing

Seven days
Seven days till my birthday.
I don’t really know what to say.
Lord let me just have a good day.

Last year around this time my uncle sonny passed.
Yes I was very Sad.
So sad I tried to keep myself altogether.
I kept taking it out on myself and another.

They could not see the pain I felt.
I had to play the hand I was dealt.
I had to keep going no matter what.
When you decide to change there is no time for the word but.

It clicks inside you like a switch.
Telling you to walk away from that ditch.
When shot are fired , they all just miss.
Yeah miss me with that bullshit.

Tired of the games, lies and reverse psychology.
There would be no need for that if people actually cared about me.

What did I do to you that was so bad?
Sure there are days when I am sad.
Can’t always solve everything, that’s a fact.
If You have anxiety then I have anxiety attacks.

When things get bad people up and leave.
No word or concern they just do me real dirty.
Either I’m draining or I’m suffocating.
Acting like the angel I know you’re not.
Made me think Im the opp.
If other people can see  me do good , why can’t you?
Yeah back then I didn’t know what to do.
I know what it means to lose.
I have lost before.
Yet here I’m at the store.
Realizing I know why I am here.
I didn’t give up or give In to fear.

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