Thursday, September 3, 2020

Can’t F***kin Sleep

You know what , I can’t sleep.

I can’t think . I can’t even eat.

All these I can’t , don’t I have anything better to say?

Yeah I do before I  say have a nice day.

Don’t ever you feel like people only call when they need this.

Where are you when I feel like shit.

Yeah it’s called depression.

Every day is a lesson.

I’m learning that slowly as I go along.

So angry , I need to find the right song.

Something to calm me down.

Something with the right kind of sound.

I don’t like to be used.

I don’t like being the fool.

Don’t  just call when you need me to do something.

Just continue to ignore me.

Seem to excel at that.

Can I have one day where I don’t feel like crap ?

Damn it all.

Why today do I have to fall?

Nothing to grab on to or any option is left.

Is this is the way it’s going to be until my death?

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