Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sounds like a bunch of nothing

Just me here and I’m alone.

That’s why I am writing a poem.

So that I won’t feel so alone .

2020 what a year.

So little time and a whole lot of fear.

Lost people who matter to me.

In this horror flick known as Covid-19.

As I Quarantine due to my recovery.

My back has taken some bad blows.

Some blunt hits and some knives too.

Yeah I know.

I have to bare it because it will be okay .

When I look in the mirror , that’s what i will say .

Can I believe it to be the case?

I’ve been rushing like I am in a race.

Yet I still end up in last place .

You can tell by this look 😐 on my face.

I have to endure and learn what it means to be patient.

 To not get angry at people who are incompetent.

 There are bigger things to worry than some ignorant comment.

Guess I gotta be about it so I can show it.

Allow me to find the essential part.
To fix this hole in my heart.
Allow me to be all I can be.
When I am whole, Then I can be free.

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