Saturday, September 5, 2020

It’s not up to me😐


It’s up to you? Why does it have to be?

Why could it be , hey can you come see me ?

There is a clear difference between the two.

all I hear is that it is up to you.

Yeah I know I suppose be to be cool.

That’s just it though, what if I come at the wrong time ?

I try to be considerate mostly in my mind .

I would like to feel like  I belong when I show up . 

Saying it’s up to me it’s like whether I get there or not , you don’t give a fuck.

I’m just there. Another body on the floor .

I’m not just Somebody . I’m something more.

So if you want me around tell me because I want  to know.

Aren’t all we in a similar boat.

I know we don’t want to be sinking but I rather we float .

Don’t say that it’s up to you to me . 

It’s insulting.

It’s triggering.

I do my best help to you without you even asking.

If it’s possible, can you do the same for me?

Ask for me like I asked for you okay.

The feelings are mutual, it’s okay to reciprocate.

Stop treating me like pest and talking down to me like I’m dumb 

I’m not here for that Instead let’s have fun.

Stop with stares and glares because I don’t feel no love at all.

Bad enough i tripped and now i fall.

I know It’s up to me because you’re okay with me doing just that.

It’s feeling be wanted by those who care. That’s really where its at.

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