Thursday, September 17, 2020

Status Update....

My mind is worn, soul is tired and my body is broken.

This poem is my testimony. That is my way and I have spoken.

These last two weeks

I have gradually become weak.

Doubted my own beliefs.

Getting cut off when I would like speak.

By those who don’t care.

By the world that is constantly unfair.

It’s like I have to constantly take a dare.

Whatever happen to the good times we could share.

I guess that got thrown out along with everything else .

Is sadness the default ? It’s the most common thing I felt.

 I wish it wasn’t the only thing.

There’s also being happy.

I wish it was a consistent feeling.

I have to continue on despite me having a bad back.

Have push on even though I have anxiety attacks.

Progress is there and continues to show that I am capable.

That God is able.

I’ve always wanted to say that line.

I know it’s not always but it will be fine.

Going at my own pace a day at a time.

After all,  in the end the sun always shines.

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