Friday, September 11, 2020

There is no Third time...

There was a first time  and second time.

A moment of conflict and a moment to apologize.

Forgive me if I say there will not be a third.

This back and forth thing, I’m not trying to get hurt.

I’m not trying to hurt you.

I don’t appreciate the fact I don’t get to speak , that’s not cool.

I was being honest and considerate.

All that did was allow me to be stepped on like shit.

Enough is enough.

I understand life is rough.

Don’t take it out on me for not understanding how you are.

Even when I do go really far.

Travel far , going the extra mile just to see if you are alright.

It’s seems all you know how to do fight .

Yeah you picked the wrong person cause I’m not the one.

I can’t even relax even when the day is done.

Cause of people who do this and that.

Warming up the back of my hand....Smack

Y’all definitely need one but I’m going to let my poetry do it for free.

Doing my thing.

Being what I am meant to be.

Even if I become something more and you aren’t able to see.

Like Cena says you can’t see me.

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