Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Memoir of the storm


Thunder and lightning.

To me it can be very frightening.

Back in Alabama it can get really bad.

It is really sad.

That’s why you gotta be careful.

You’ll know when it’s near.

The very sound causes me to fear.

Grandma told me that it is God talking.

I still believe that till this day honestly.

I wish I had someone here because this is traumatizing.

To be frozen in place .

To have that horrified look on my face.

Oh I wish I had a friendly face to look at .

The flashes make my heart stop and have an anxiety attack.

Yeah I know I’m old but still traumas don’t really go away.

I shouldn’t have gone outside that day .

In the midst of a hurricane a long time go.

Hearing the wind blow.

I could have been lifted in to air.

Good thing is that God is fair.

I’m still here despite everything.

Even the small things have meaning.

Thank you for allowing me to be here and still able to write.

On that note , I finish this and have a good night.

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