Thursday, September 24, 2020

Not your Typical Response.


For once I don’t have an answer.

Can’t help it I was born a cancer.

As a person who is into their feelings.

I write poetry to express my meaning.

Motivating myself to make a change.

Experience has taught me I am not the same.

32 and I’m tired of these games.

2020 so far as been pretty lame.

Jynex Sol is my name. I don’t go by any other.

A storm is coming near, gotta duck and cover.

Avoiding all this craziness.

Minding my own business.

Looking inward for happiness.

Unfournately my soul is filled with sadness.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve gone through hell.

hope will come but only time can tell.

My problems are my own and it makes things very hard indeed

everyone else has problems too but that’s them and this is me.

Im not going to say no one is important or that I’m above all.

As the saying goes pride comes before the fall.

You can have it all and yet in a moment it can all go away.

In a joker’s voice,”have you ever had a really bad day ?”

I’ve had more bad days then good.

Being optimistic? I did the best I could.

It’s needs work but hey that’s what efforts are for.

It shows you what you didn’t know and more.

Not sure when I’ll be at the door.

So for now I’m going to take my time at the store.

Get what I need and not what I want.

That’s what I was taught. To be upfront.

To be clear and that is why I try to do.

Do you understand the words that I am saying to you ? 

I hope so because  I am still here.

I’ve endured my pain throughout the years.

So many tears.

I just want to do it right.

 I Imagine That would be nice.

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