Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Anxiety is a S.O.B


Anxiety , you sneaky SOB

Your impeccable timing .

It never fails, even when I want it to.

Flicking my hand away. Go away shoo.

Can’t sleep because of you.

Always feeling hot and never cool.

Why should my Anxiety rule? It’s not like it pays rent.

If I could sue, I would go after every cent.

Sadly,I have to do this the old fashioned way.

Watching what I say.

Praying for a good day 

Being a productive member of society today.

I know I can’t rush those things.

I just want to be there already.

My Soul held down and marinated in envy.

Realizing that won’t help and it definitely won’t me happy. 

As I said before,  I go at my own pace.

After all it’s not a race.

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