Wednesday, August 19, 2020

No Slippin


Can I please go back in time.

To the 90s please , that be fine.

Right now in 2020 it is so hectic.

People’s attitude towards things is pathetic.

I’m doing me, taking me day by day.

Going to work and getting paid.

It just feels I’m repeating the same cycle. 

Like throwing stones and it makes the same ripple.

I need something new.

Something I have yet to do.

Something that is meaningful and just.

Good for the moral conscience is a must.

For at times , the day can be pretty bleak.

Ever changing weather and shifting personalities.

Then there is me.

I’m here in the middle of it trying to figure it all out.

I don’t know how I will but I’ll make it somehow.

I have to and I have to remember that I have limits.

Sometimes I think I’m Goku going beyond this.

Into this mature person, free from the chains of the past.

I pray it will last

God ,please hold me close and don’t let me flip.

I don’t want to slip.

Slip on the ice known as depression.

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