Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sooo Awkward😐


I just don’t know how to be social,

 I sound like an awkward commercial.

I walk up and just freeze.

Don’t know how to not react badly.

It’s just one of those things I have to improve on.

I don’t like it when the feeling is gone.

It’s hard for me to find that feeling in the first place.

Can you tell by the look on my face?

I am socially awkward and I feel lost.

My voice is the only one I got.

I wanna be heard but I don’t know what to say.

Trying to ask co-workers how was their day.

Same shit I suppose.

You know how it goes.

If It doesn’t work out, have to keep moving.

Moving forward is what I need to do.

Holding it all and exploding is something I don’t mean to.

I just need the right friends.

Keep me grounded, essential and to be able to understand.

I’m just a man, like everyone else.

Knowing how they and I felt.

We aren’t always on the same page.

Even so , I get it and they get it too.  

Getting over the awkwardness is something I need to do.

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