Saturday, August 22, 2020

Making it clear...

It’s not easy to go forward when you are always in the past

According to some, its where you can find me at.

Somewhere between hopes and dreams.

Trying to remain positive and stay clean .

Clean from the filth that I wade through every day.

Taking time out just so I can pray .

Praying for a good day or something nice to say.

 I am Not where I was before.

Told the unstable character to head for the door .

This can’t be all there is , there has to be more.

There is more to life than just depression.

Like my dad says, each day is a lesson.

Just have to pay attention like it’s the classroom.

Taking down notes so I have a clue.

I can’t always be so blue.

Blue is my color because of the sky.

Climbing up so high.

I like the view.

I can keep this up if I pull through.

I’m not that same guy and I would like to make that clear . 

Keeping my head up even through this crappy year .

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