Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Where did it all go?🤯


That feeling, where did it go?

 searching the depths of my soul.

I just wanna know.

I just wanna have hope.

To be fair.

I would like someone there.

I need to a moment to prepare.

Let me breath in this fresh air.

As I heal my broken body.

Falling back into old hobbies.

Looking back on some fond memories.

Seeing photos of people who I wish didn’t leave.

It’s about me accepting the reality.

Talking up responsibility.

I’m grown  and I have things I need to do.

As I write this, I do think of you.

Probably shouldn’t  though, bad memories aren’t so cool.

Especially one after the other while i am trying to sleep.

Only the best memories I do keep.

Keep it close 

You never know.

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